Application ID
Advertisement No.
Post Applied for
Date of Application

A. Personal Details

1. Name in Full

First Name Middle Name Last Name

1A. Parent Name

Father Name Mother Name

2. Address

Present Permanent
Email: Email:

4. Nationality:

5. Gender:

6. Marital Status:

7A. Category you wish to apply for:

8. Religious Faith:

9. Whether Differently Abled:

10. h-Index: NA

11. i10-Index: NA

12. No. of Citations: NA

13. Aadhar No: NA

B. Educational Details

1. Academics record

i. From Matriculation up to Graduation Level

Specialization% of marksRemarks

ii. From Post Graduation onwards

Degree year DepartmentUniversity% of marksName of
Thesis Title

iii. Doctoral Level

DegreeDate of Thesis Defence DepartmentUniversity% of marksName of
Thesis Title

2. Broad Area of Specialization:

3. Current Area(s) of Research:

C. Professional Details

1. Present Employment Details:

OrganizationDesignationFromToRoles and ResponsibilitiesScale/Pay Band/Pay MatrixTotal Salary

2. Previous Employment Details:

OrganizationDesignationFromToRoles and ResponsibilitiesReason of LeavingScale/Pay Band/Pay MatrixTotal Salary Experience Certificate

D. Teaching and Research Details

1. Courses Taught:

SI No.Course TitleLevelSole/With OthersDeveloper of Course

2. Post Graduate and Doctoral Thesis Supervision:

(i) Master's Level:

SI No.Name of The Student(s)Date of RegistrationDate of SubmissionYear of Completion or in ProgressName of InstituteTitle of ThesisGuide or Co-guideUploaded

(ii) Doctoral Level:

SI No.Name of The Student(s)Date of RegistrationDate of SubmissionYear of Completion or in ProgressName of InstituteTitle of ThesisGuide or Co-guideUploaded

3. Details of Administrative Experience:

SI No.OrganizationDesignationFromToRoles and Responsibilities

E. Projects / Consultancy / Patents Details

1. Sponsored Projects:

SI No.PeriodDate of AwardDate of CompletionSponsoring OrganizationTitle of ProjectAmount of grantCo-Investigator(s)Uploaded Document

2. Consultancy Works:

SI No.PeriodOrganizationNature of WorkCo-Investigator(s)

3. Patents Granted:

SI No.Year TitleInternational/NationalDate & Year of Grant

F. Publications Details

1. Publications:

(i) Mention here five best papers published in Professional Peer Reviewed Journals:

SI No.Author(s)Month & YearTitleName of JournalIssue NoVolumePage No.Indexed inImpact Factor
of Journal
of Paper

(ii) Give complete list of publications (List SCI and Non-SCI journal publications separately) in the following format as Enclosure-I:

SI No.Author(s)Month & YearTitleComplete Reference
of Journal
(i.e. Indexing,Page No., Volume No. etc)
Impact Factor of JournalCitations of Paper

(iii) Give complete list of Full papers(not abstracts) in the following format as Enclosure-II published in Conference proceedings:

SI No.Author(s)Month & YearTitleComplete Reference of Conference

(iv) Give complete list of Papers presented in Conference and not Published (in the following format as Enclosure-III):

SI No.Author(s)Month & YearTitleComplete Reference of Conference

(v) Books (List those published and in press separately):

SI No.NameISB No.Year of PublicationTitleAuthor or Co-authorPublication Status

2. Membership of Professional Bodies:

SI No.Name of BodyDate of AwardStatus of Membership

3. Give details of Important Seminar/Workshop/Schools attended and not covered under 20(iv) in the following format as Enclosure-IV:

SI No.YearPlaceSeminar/Workshop/SchoolTitle of Paper Read

G. Other Important Details

1. Details of Five Referees (at least two of them should be familiar with your research work):

SI No.NameAddressMobile No.Fax No.E-mail id

2. Awards and Recognitions:

3. Any Other Relevant information:

4. Salary/Total Emoluments Expected at IIT (BHU):

5. Statement of Objective:

i. Please indicate as to why you wish to join IIT(BHU)(not more than 500 words)

ii. How, in your opinion,do you meet the job requirements as advertised? (not more than 250 words)

iii. A short note (not more than 500 words) about the research and development projects you would like to undertake.

iv. A short note (not more than 250 words) about the courses that you would like to teach at UG and PG lavels. Select courses from the approved syllabus of the concerned Department/School.

      I hereby declared thet I have carefully read and understood the instructions and particulars for the post I am applying. Further,I also declare thet all enteries in this form as entries in this form as well form as the attchaed sheets are true to the my knowledge and belief.